Tuition and Fees

Tuition & fees are billed by the credit hour. They are based on the student’s classification, which is determined by the academic program in which they are enrolled, level, & residency.

About Tuition & Fees

  • Tuition rates are reviewed by the Tuition & Fees Advisory Board, the University’s Board of Trustees, and the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina System and set annually by the North Carolina legislature.
    • Tuition rates are not officially established until the annual budget is passed by the legislature and signed by the governor.
  • Fees are reviewed by the Tuition & Fees Advisory Board , and then approved by the University’s Board of Trustees with final approval pending the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina System review.

Looking for Distance Education Tuition & Fees? View details here.

Undergraduate Tuition & Fees

Summer 2024 – Main Campus

Rates are per semester. Tuition and fees are billed by the credit hour for summer terms, including credits over 12 hours.

Undergraduate tuition and fee rates

Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 – Main Campus

*Tuition and Fees are proposed and are subject to change pending legislative approval.*

Tuition & fees are billed by the credit hour. They are based on the student’s program campus code, student level, & residency. Rates are per semester.

Undergraduate tuition and fee rates

Undergraduate Fixed Tuition

Early Entry Program Tuition Increment

Please note: Students who are enrolled in the Early Entry program may be charged a Tuition Increment depending on their Graduate program of study. The increment charge will be waived once the drop/add period ends. You are not required to pay this charge.

Graduate Tuition & Fees

Summer 2024 – Main Campus

Rates are per semester. Tuition and fees are billed by the credit hour for summer terms, including credits over 9 hours.

Graduate tuition and fee rates

Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 – Main Campus

*Tuition and Fees are proposed and are subject to change pending legislative approval.*

Tuition & fees are billed by the credit hour. They are based on the student’s program campus code, student level, & residency. Rates are per semester.

Graduate tuition and fee rates

Additional Information

Post-Baccalaureate Students
  • Post-Baccalaureate students (PBS) who enroll in undergraduate level courses are charged at the undergraduate tuition rate for those courses.
  • PBS who enroll in graduate level courses are charged at the graduate tuition rate for courses for which they are registered.
  • PBS will be charged graduate level fees for all courses, regardless of course level.
  • Tuition charges will initially be assessed at the graduate rate and students are responsible for full payment by the payment due dates.
  • PBS registration will be reviewed after the add/drop period has ended and tuition charges will be adjusted for any undergraduate level courses being taken.

Billing & Full-Time Status
  • Tuition and fees are billed by the credit hour for fall and spring terms, and capped at full-time course load. Tuition and fees are billed by the credit hour for summer terms, including credits over 12 hours.
  • Twelve or more credit hours are considered full-time for undergraduates and nine or more credit hours are considered full-time for graduates.

View Prior Years Tuition & Fees

Fall 2023-Spring 2024

Summer 2023

Fall 2022-Spring 2023

Summer 2022

Fall 2021-Spring 2022

Students with NC residency for tuition purposes

Students with non-NC residency for tuition purposes, living outside of NC

Summer 2021

Fall 2020-Spring 2021

Students with NC residency for tuition purposes

Students with non-NC residency for tuition purposes, living in NC

Students with non-NC residency for tuition purposes, living outside of NC

Please contact the Office of the Bursar if you are looking for other prior year tuition rates or specific graduate program rates.